Our Story is Your Story

We are a community of Latino Health Care Providers.

Across Oregon, from every profession and workplace, Latino providers are coming together to support one another and the Latino patients we serve. We are the mentors for the next generation of Latino providers and the leadership network health systems and policy makers are looking to for guidance.

Find out how you can help.

Our Vision

We believe that the LPA will bridge the culturally specific needs of our community and the limitations of the current health system.”

In ten years, the LPA will have thousands of Latino providers who will transform health care.  Latinos will have greater access to health care where they live and work.  Traditional healthcare practices will be honored and reimbursable.  The provider workforce will have sufficient providers who specialize in bi-lingual, bi-cultural care in all disciplines..

Latino Provider Association Application


For 18 years and above

1. Latino health care providers (including anyone engaged in improving the health of Latinos).

2. Non-Latino providers who specialize is serving Latino patients.

3. Individuals who are having an impact on the health of Latinos in Oregon.

Take Action

Ready to learn more?

You can become a contributor to our cause, or participate.